N & P Levels in the Soil

N & P Levels in the Soil


In 2019 a new Code of Practices for Agriculture Environment Management came into effect. The rules are designed to reduce nitrate and phosphate pollution of water sources and will apply to all agricultural land bases over 2 hectares (5 acres); however, due to the phase in schedule the new rules will not impact most outdoor fruit and vegetable farms operation until 2024 to 2025.

Farms will be required to soil sample their fields at least once every 3 seasons, if the soil nitrate level is more than 100 kg / hectare (88 pounds per acre) after harvest (note that this would be to a 30 cm depth) or if there is over 200 PPM of phosphorus present in the soil then the farm will need to have a nutrient management plan made for the field(s). If the levels are more than 150 kg / hectare of nitrate nitrogen or if the phosphorus level is over 300 PPM then the nutrient management plan will need to be done by a qualified professional. Fields with high nitrate or phosphorus levels must be retested the following season; if the soil nitrate or phosphorus levels are still high then they will need to repeat the steps above, and continue to monitor the soil levels the next season.

Here are the main links to the information on the new Code of Practices for Agricultural Environment Management:

Please contact us today and inquire about the wide range of soil sampling packages TerraLink is offering.

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