Useful Links
Industry Links
The following links may be of interest to those seeking more information related to your farm, crop or commodity or agriculture in general. You will find links for forage producers, berry, tree fruit and field vegetable growers, horse owners, landscapers, nursery and greenhouse operators, professional turf growers and golf course superintendents, organic growers and much more. If you don't see a link and think that it would be a good addition to this list, please let us know.
Industry Associations
Farm West & Pacific Field Corn Association (Agriculture Advisory & Reference Website)
BC Agriculture Council (Agriculture Reference Website)
HortEducation BC (Industry Training Organization)
Cleanfarms (Agriculture Waste Management)
CropLife Canada (Plant Science Industry Representation)
- AG Canada - Agriculture Publications (Agriculture reference website)
- ARDCORP - BC Agricultural Research & Developement Corporation
- Pacific Agri-Food Research Center (Agriculture reference website)
- Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada (Agriculture reference website)
- BC Ministry of Agriculture (Agriculture reference website)
- PMRA Pesticide Management Regulatory Agency (Pesticide Labels)
- BC Minstry of Environment (Environmental reference website)
- CFIA - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
- Transport Canada
- Worksafe BC (Workplace Health & Safety)
Educational Institutions
- UBC Faculty of Land & Food Systems
- University of the Fraser Valley
- Kwantlen Polytechnic University
- Olds College
- University of Guelph
- Sprayers 101 Sprayer Resource Centre

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