14-14-28 Stress Relief
SKU: TL07214073RichGROW 14-14-28 "Stress Relief" fertilizer—a top-tier blend crafted for optimal performance. Tailored to meet the needs of golf courses, sports fields, and residential lawns, this standard-sized (240 SGN) formulation boasts slow-release nitrogen, ensuring sustained nourishment.
Primarily intended for late summer through fall application, it also serves as a proficient dormant winter feed. Engineered with 60% controlled release nitrogen (CRN) sourced from stabilized compounds, this fertilizer curbs rapid growth while extending green-up responses for an impressive duration of up to 10 weeks. Notably, its CRN feature substantially mitigates nitrogen loss by averting volatilization and minimizing nitrate leaching into groundwater.
Perfectly suited for soils with a high cation exchange capacity (CEC), such as clay soils, the 14-14-28 blend excels in amending low potassium and phosphorous levels. With soluble nitrogen derived from ammonium sulfate, it enriches plants with sulfur and remains readily available even in cooler fall conditions.
Invest in our premium-grade 14-14-28 "Stress Relief" fertilizer for a comprehensive solution that nurtures your green spaces, offering sustained nourishment while minimizing environmental impact.

About RichGROW
RichGROW is a TerraLink brand for professional growers. The highly specialized blends sold under the RichGROW brand have been designed for the most demanding applications and are a favourite of professional growers in turf and greenhouse applications.
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