SKU: TL01001261Anuew™ is your best solution to manage turfgrass growth, improve quality and appearance.
Anuew™ is a proven plant growth regulator breakthrough, saving superintendents time with less mowing and fewer clippings while improving the overall playability of greens, tees and fairways.
Anuew Plant Growth Regulator is a late-stage inhibitor with a novel mode of action that can be used on all managed turf areas to improve turfgrass quality, density and appearance. Anuew is more active and longer lasting than other late-stage growth regulators on cool-season turf, providing more regulation activity at lower doses. It is also the only PGR that can evenly regulate Poa in mixed stands.
Registered for use on
- Turfgrass on golf courses
- Sod farms
- Sports fields
- Municipal sites
- Cemeteries
Active Ingredient
Prohexadione-calcium giberellic
PCP # 324508
Label | SDS | Tech Sheet

About Nufarm
Please Note:
Regulations prohibit sale of pest control products outside Canada. For more information about pest control product regulations within Canada, please refer to this summary.