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Bio Aphidalia

SKU: TL06603407
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Ladybugs (ladybirds) feed on aphids and lay eggs in the aphid colonies. After emergence, the larvae also feed on aphids. Please note: This item contains live organisms and may be subjected to longer delivery times. 



  • About Biologicals

    Terralink offers a wide variety of biological pest controls. We purchase biological control agents produced by some of the largest, most respected and innovative insectaries world-wide.

  • Why Use Biologicals?

    One of the primary benefits of using beneficial insect release is that the process avoids chemical pest control methods such as pesticides. While pesticides are effective at controlling and eliminating pests, some plants and beneficial insects like bees can be affected negatively. Beneficial insects are a natural, organic, and environmentally sustainable way to control pests.

  • How to order

    TerraLink orders beneficials every Tuesday morning for delivery the following week. Order cut-off time is 4:30 pm Monday. Fly parasite orders are placed every other Thursday for delivery the following Wednesday. Email your order to the TerraLink Order Desk or call 1-800-661-4559.