Sharda Cropchem
SKU: TL01006225CYRUS Insecticide comes as a wettable powder registered for use in greenhouse and outdoor oramentals, greenhouse lettuce, mushrooms as well as leafy veg for control of leafminers and other insect pests. Containing the active cyromazine, Cyrus works as an insect growth regulator affecting the pupal development of certain insects.
For use on: Greenhouse lettuce, ornamentals, mushrooms, celery, leafy vegetables.
For the management of: Leafminer, Fungus gnats, Shoreflies, Sciarid flies.
For a full list of crops and application directions, refer to the product label. Always read and follow label directions.
Active Ingredient
Group 17 Insecticide
PCP # 34272
Label | SDS | Tech Sheet

About Sharda Cropchem
Please Note:
Regulations prohibit sale of pest control products outside Canada. For more information about pest control product regulations within Canada, please refer to this summary.