SKU: TL01007800For growers looking for effective control, DIBROM is a broad spectrum insecticide used in a large number of crops, and in animal health, and mosquito control situations. In greenhouses, fuming is also an effective way to manage insect pests. Dibrom uses stomach and contact activity to control insects and has short residual control as well. (4/case)
Registered for use on: sugarbeet, beans, peas, cole crops, alfalfa, clover, vetch, lettuce potato, tomato, strawberry, ornamentals, rangeland, field areas, pastures, woodlands, feed lots, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, onion, roses and cut flower crops (greenhouse), tomatoes (greenhouse), cucumber (greenhouse), eggplant (greenhouse), pepper (greenhouse), dairy barns, livestock barns, pig pens, poultry houses, cider mills, wineries.
For the management of: imported cabbageworm, diamondback moth caterpillars, aphids, cabbage looper, alfalfa looper, red spider mites, lygus bugs, thrips, onion maggot, colorado potato beetle, leafhoppers, flea beetles, spittlebugs, fruit flies (SWD - Drosophila spp.), tomato fruit worm, hornworms, young grasshoppers, adult mosquitoes, gnats, house fly, whiteflies, spider mites, leafrollers, mealybugs, tent caterpillars, birch and holly leafminers, willow leaf beetle, pepper weevil, tomato psyllid.
For a full list of crops and application directions, refer to the product label. Always read and follow label directions.
Active Ingredient
Group 1B Insecticide
PCP # 7442

About Loveland
Please Note:
Regulations prohibit sale of pest control products outside Canada. For more information about pest control product regulations within Canada, please refer to this summary.