Imidan WP
SKU: TL01103405With decades of proven performance, Imidan WP Insecticide is a great option for apple, carrot, celery, grape and blueberry growers. Imidan provides both quick contact activity on insect targets as well as extended residual control. Also, with minimal disruption to beneficial insects, Imidan is a great option for Integrated Pest Management. Insecticidal activity of Imidan is greatly reduced when the water in the spray solution is pH 6.5 or higher. It is extremely important to test water for pH levels before using Imidan. Acidify or buffer the tank mix solution to a pH of 5.5 or lower prior to adding Imidan. LI 700 is a great option.
Registered on: Cherries (sour/tart), cranberries, ornamentals, peaches, plums, potatoes, pears, apples, carrots, celery, blueberries, grapes (also for outdoor ornamentals and cut flowers until October 30, 2024). cranberry blueberry
For the management of Codling Moth, Redbanded Leafhopper, Plum Curculio, Apple Maggot, Obliquebanded Leafroller, Gypsy Moth, Japanese Beetle, Spotted Wing Drosophila, Spring Cankerworm, Blueberry Spanworm, Blueberry Maggot, Carrot Weevil, Blackheaded fireworm, Grape Berry Moth, Eastern Tent Caterpillar, Elm Spanworm.
For a full list of crops and application directions, refer to the product label. Always read and follow label directions.
Active Ingredient
Group 1B Insecticide
PCP # 29064

About Gowan
Please Note:
Regulations prohibit sale of pest control products outside Canada. For more information about pest control product regulations within Canada, please refer to this summary.