SKU: TL01109900Troublesome volunteer canola has been popping up everywhere. In many instances, these volunteers can be tolerant to the herbicide system you are using, provide a host for dangerous diseases and may not feature the same agronomic traits as your new canola crop. But moving forward this doesn’t need to be a problem.
Registered on: Pre-Seed canola, alfalfa, barley, canary seed, carrots, fall rye, fallow, field corn, flax, garlic, grain and forage sorghum, millet, oats, seedling alfalfa, seedling grasses, sweet corn, triticale, wheat.
For the management of: Bluebur, cocklebur, common buckwheat, common groundsel, common ragweed, cow cockle, green smartweed, hairy nightshade, kochia, lady's-thumb, lamb's-quarters, pale smartweed, redroot pigweed, Russian thistle, stinkweed, tartary buckwheat, velvetleaf, volunteer canola*, wild buckwheat, wild mustard (*Volunteer canola controlled only in pre-seed canola glyphosate tank mix applications)
Active Ingredient
Group 6 Herbicide
PCP # 18001

About Bayer
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Regulations prohibit sale of pest control products outside Canada. For more information about pest control product regulations within Canada, please refer to this summary.