Roundup WeatherMAX
SKU: TL01201930Roundup WeatherMAX® herbicide is the preferred brand for growers who want unsurpassed performance to control their toughest weeds in tough conditions. You can count on Roundup WeatherMAX to perform and you can have confidence in your decision knowing that Bayer stands behind every jug with the Riskshield® protection package.
Registered on: Roundup Ready® canola, soybean, corn and sugar beet; preharvest applications in wheat, barley, oats, canola (rapeseed), flax (including low linolenic acid varieties), peas, lentils, dry beans, soybeans, chickpeas, dried lupins, dried fava beans, canary seed and forages; in pasture renovation; in forage, legume and grass establishments; in tree crops including apple, pear, cherry, plum, peach, nectarines, apricot, filbert, hazelnut, walnut, chestnut, Japanese heartnut; in grapes, cranberries, blueberries and strawberry; in sugar beets; in asparagus; in North American ginseng; in tree plantings; and grasses for seed production.
For the management of: Barnyard Grass, Blue Grass (annual), Crab Grass (large), Crab Grass (smooth), Downy Brome-grass, Fall Panicum, Giant Foxtail, Green Foxtail, Persian Darnel, Volunteer Barley, Volunteer Corn, Volunteer Wheat, Wild Oats, Wild Proso Millet, Yellow Foxtail, Chickweed, Cleavers, Cocklebur, Corn Spurry, Cow Cockle, Eastern Black Nightshade, Fleabane (Canada), Flixweed, Green Smartweed, Hempnettle, Kochia, Lady’s-Thumb, Lamb’s-quarters (common), Narrow-leaved Hawk’s Beard, Narrow-leaved Vetch, Night-flowering Catchfly, Pennsylvania Smartweed, Prickly Lettuce, Ragweed (common), Brome Grass (smooth) Cottontop, Foxtail Barley, Redroot Pigweed, Round-Leaved Mallow, Russian Thistle, Shepherd’s Purse, Smooth Pigweed, Sowthistle (annual), Stinkweed, Storksbill, Velvetleaf, Volunteer Canola (rapeseed), Volunteer Flax, Wild Buckwheat, Wild Mustard, Wild Cattail (common), Common Reed, Quackgrass, Wire-Stemmed Muhly, Yellow Nutsedge, Alfalfa, Curled Dock, Dandelion, Field Bindweed, Hemp Dogbane, Hoary Cress, Knotweed (Japanese), Milkweed (common), Alder, Broadleaved meadowsweet, Cedar, Cherry, Douglas Fir, Hemlock, Maple, Poison Ivy, Purple Loosestrife, Sow Thistle (perennial), Thistle (Canada), Toad Flax, Wormwood (Absinth), Mountain-fly honeysuckle, Pine, Poplar, Raspberry/Salmonberry, Rhododendron (Canadian), Sheep laurel, Snowberry (Western), Sweet fern, Willow.
For a full list of crops and application directions, refer to the product label. Always read and follow label directions.
Active Ingredient
Group 9 Herbicide
PCP # 27487

About Bayer
Please Note:
Regulations prohibit sale of pest control products outside Canada. For more information about pest control product regulations within Canada, please refer to this summary.