Senator 50SC
SKU: TL01202935SENATOR 50SC® can’t be washed off the plant once the spray solution has dried on the leaf surface providing protection of your plants and your yield.
Registered for use on: Grapes, apples, pears, lowbush blueberries, peaches, nectarines, plums, prunes, cherries, strawberries, raspberries, potatoes, sugar beets, ornamentals, greenhouse tobacco seedlings and mushroom casing.
For the management of: Powdery mildew, Brown rot, Botrytis, Leaf spot
For a full list of crops and application directions, refer to the product label. Always read and follow label directions.
Active Ingredient
Group 1 Fungicide
PCP # 32096

About Belchim
Please Note:
Regulations prohibit sale of pest control products outside Canada. For more information about pest control product regulations within Canada, please refer to this summary.