SKU: TL01203250Serifel is an innovative biological fungicide with multiple modes of action that forms a shield of protection on plants’ surfaces to protect against disease.
- Highly effective, biological fungicide for a wide range of crops
- Multiple unique modes of action form a protective shield against a broad-spectrum of diseases
- Complements both chemistry-based solutions and organic production
- Zero PHI, 4-hour REI and 36-month shelf life offer new flexibility and choice to address crop production challenges
- Sets the standard for product purity, performance and quality
- Bushberries and caneberries: Botrytis grey mold
- Carrots: Leaf blight, Powdery mildew
- Cucumbers: Downy mildew
- Cucurbit vegetable group: Powdery mildew
- Grapes: Botrytis gray mold. powdery mildew
- Lettuce: Botrytis gray mold, white mold, downy mildew
- Low-growing berries: Botrytis gray mold
- Peppers: Botrytis gray mold, powdery mildew
- Potatoes. Early blight, rhizoctonia stem canker / black scurf
- Sugar beets: Cercospora leaf spot
- Field tomatoes: Early blight, botrytis gray mold
Serifel® fungicide must be used preventatively. Maximum application rates and shorter spray intervals are recommended when conditions favour high disease pressure.
For a full list of crops and application directions, refer to the product label. Always read and follow label directions.
Active Ingredient
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain MBI600
Group BM02 Fungicide, Ecocert
PCP # 30054
Label | SDS | Tech Sheet

About BASF
Please Note:
Regulations prohibit sale of pest control products outside Canada. For more information about pest control product regulations within Canada, please refer to this summary.